49ers deny turf issues at Levi's Stadium

An incident from Sunday's 49ers game has some fans calling into question the condition of the turf at Levi's Stadium.

As Baltimore's kicker attempted a field goal, the grass apparently slipped out from under him, sending him to the ground in an awkward fall.

But while there seems to be plenty of public outrage about the status of the sod, the 49ers say it's actually much improved.

The 49ers say the field has been holding up fine and performing as it should. They say they have received no complaints from players, not even from the Raven's kicker.

Still, on Twitter, people described the turf as "a disaster," "the worst," and "not suitable for an NFL team."

In person, they talk of the sinkhole or the pothole.

"I watched the game yesterday. I saw the pothole incident, where the kicker fell," said fan Mike Laskowitz.

After Raven's kicker Justin Tucker slipped, he missed the field goal. And while he said he's never experienced anything quite like it he added, "It's no excuse though."

His coach said they won't be filing a complaint with the league.

On Monday, 49ers coach Jim Tomsula said he's actually very satisfied with the field.

"I mean yeah, that field to me was great for us," said Tomsula.

That hasn't always been the case. The 49ers have acknowledged problems in the past, and have replaced the sod approximately several times in the last year. 

At one point, they even halted practice on the field over safety concerns. But they argue the turf has been holding up since the most recent replacement before the September 14th game.

"I felt pretty good on it yesterday. Actually, I think the field is doing pretty good, held up well. I didn't slip at all in any instances I can remember. So under my feet, the turf was fine," said 49er cornerback Kenneth Acker.

"It's been great for us. Holds up nice every time we go on there. So the people on Twitter, if they want to come visit Levi's Stadium, you know, they can come visit. They pay enough money they can go on the field to see it themselves," said 49er wide receiver Quinton Patton.

Levi's Stadium officials say there were 140 plays on the field yesterday and that the most highly trafficked areas of the field often show wear by the end. They say the incident with Tucker does not indicate a problem.

Still, fans say the perception is otherwise.

"I've heard about it ever since the stadium opened. It's been an issue. They've redone it a couple of times. We were just on the field and it looked pretty good from where we were standing. The middle was closed off," said Laskowitz.

And that was the view from above today, a portion of the field covered with a tarp. Stadium officials say there are no plans to replace the sod now, just to treat the normal wear and tear.

"I think if it continues to be an issue, they probably should just go to artificial turf," Laskowitz added.

Of course the field will get replaced at least one more time before the end of the season. Before Super Bowl 50, the NFL takes over, and brings in their own field.