California Gov. Newsom holding 4-day 'Vote No' rally to fight the recall

Gov. Gavin Newsom is holding a four-day "Vote No" rally, traveling up and down the state – urging Californians to vote against a recall as things are heating up as the recall election is about a month away. 

The governor is calling this a "weekend of action." His first stop was in San Francisco on Friday.

"I'm here with a number of elected officials from all the spectrums of the Democratic Party who absolutely oppose this recall," San Francisco Mayor London Breed said at Manny's Restaurant, flanked by other Democratic politicians. "And all of us, we have our challenges in terms of our disagreements in San Francisco, but we are united in our support for the governor and all the amazing work he has done to lead us during a global pandemic. Can you believe that we're still in the midst of this pandemic? And he continues to lead as we deal with what I think is a horrible distraction from what is most important to the people of California."

Breed highlighted Newsom's lauching of Project Homekey to address homelessness, among the most vexing problems of her city.

Newsom, she said, "has been so instrumental in helping us to purchase three buildings where we've been able to house hundreds of people who would otherwise be sleeping on our streets."

And the list of accolades for his work went on: From anti-gun legislation to curbing anti-Asian hate. From the wildfires to reigning in PG&E. 

"What we're seeing with with these recall candidates is just to take pot shots at the guy who's actually responsible for leading us through these crises," said state Sen. Scott Wiener, who represents San Francisco. 

Meanwhile, Newsom’s opponents are also out there trying to engage voters.  

For example, conservative talk show host Larry Elder – a leading recall candidate - spoke at the Ccalvary Chapel in San Jose on Thursday afternoon and he's holding a Zoom webinar on Friday. 

Elder plans to talk about crime in the state, and critical race theory among other topics.

Looking for more news about California politics and the recall election? Visit this page.

Anne Hyde Dunsmore, the campaign manager for Rescue California, countered: "We need to recall this guy because he has no limits on the things that he's doing that makes this  probably the worst states to live in." 

On the official ballot recall paperwork, those who formed the group to recall the governor did not list his dealings with pandemic as their reason for wanting to unseat him.

Instead, they mentioned his actions on immigration, homelessness and taxes as key factors to "remedy these misdeeds and prevent further injustices." 

Newsom addressed that directly. He pointed to his program to give undocumented immigrants $500 during the pandemic and healthcare, regardless of legal status and two things he did in the last year.

The recall "begins with grievance No. 1 -- immigration," Newsom said, and that attitude toward immigrants shouldn't "surprise anyone." 

"That's what initiated this latest recall effort," Newsom said. "The principal backer of this recall proudly states that he wants to microchip immigrants because he says it works for animal welfare and control. Before there was the Marjorie Taylor Green, we had a principal backer of this recall spewing that same hate rhetoric and anti-Semitic rhetoric, suggesting that wearing face masks somehow equivalent to the Holocaust. If you think I'm overstating, consider the RNC support. Consider Newt Gingrich's support. Consider Devin Nunez's support. Consider Mike Huckabee's support. I want to set what could happen on Election Day if we don't turn out in historic numbers."