Caltrans to implode underwater pier beneath old Bay Bridge

SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - The underwater pier that held up the cantilever section of the old eastern span of the Bay Bridge will be imploded on November 7th.

Caltrans contractors are almost done with preparations of the old span's main support.

For a few minutes before and after the implosion, Bay Bridge traffic will be stopped at the toll gate westbound and at the tunnel eastbound.

The bike path will also be closed to discourage people from getting too close.

"This is an active demolition site and we want to encourage the public to steer clear, stay away," said Caltrans spokesperson Leah Robinson.

The entire implosion will last about 6 seconds. 

Shortly before the implosion, crews will turn on compressors that will produce an underwater wall of bubbles released from the base, which will lessen the shock of the implosion on bay waters and nearby sea life.

Despite the use of explosives, the permitting agencies sees this as least harmful to aquatic life in the bay.

Caltrans will have a live feed that you can watch on