Civic group wants psychological testing for Oakland officers
In effort to help law enforcement officers relate with the people they serve, civic organization 100 Black Men of the Bay Area is calling for all sworn Oakland police officers to undergo psychological testing and screening.
"They're exposed to a lot of pressure and a lot a stress," said group member Vernon Goins. The organization wants the testing to be done every five years.
"These are also people giving the high level of stress may need additional evaluation may need additional support," said Goins.
Currently, all police officers in the state have to pass a vigorous psych test before they're hired.
"The law is very strict about when you can order it. It's not automatic. It's not every five years. Once you're hired you're hired and you've gone through the exam. And unless there's a reason to trigger an exam, there won't be another one," said Asst. Oakland Police Chief Paul Figueroa.
Figueroa says there are times when officers can be required to undergo a psychological test. But that's if the command staff feel there's something traumatic going on in an officer life that affects their ability to do their jobs.
"It could be the compounding of issues that, you know, this is my 20th scene that I've been to for whatever critical event and that causes emotions to come up," said Figueroa.
Since 100 black men found out their suggestion can't be enforced. They still believe something should be done.
"We would push at least ask at the minimum for the officers to voluntarily come forward and do it," says Goins
There is one new resource being offered to Oakland police officers. The department is creating what they call a one stop shop wellness center. That way, officers can get help for all types of issues from mental to monetary advice.