COVID-19 relief grants available to restaurants, wineries and breweries

Qualifying restaurants, wineries and breweries in San Mateo County can now apply for COVID-19 relief grants of up to $10,000.

The county opened the grant application Monday at noon. The online application is available at

Grants will help qualifying applicants pay employees, cover rent and cover the cost of health and safety modifications due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Board of Supervisors voted on Jan. 26 to establish the Restaurant, Brewery and Winery Relief Program, which has $2.384 million of available funding.

The board allocated $1 million toward the fund, matching a $1 million donation from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. An additional $384,000 came from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

To be eligible, applying restaurants, breweries and wineries must have a "brick and mortar" location in the county and must have been operating before Mar. 11, 2020. Full eligibility information is available on the grant website.

The online application portal will remain open for two weeks until Mar. 8. Then applications will be reviewed and grants will be awarded based on a lottery system.

People can email questions to

San Mateo County continues to provide COVID-19 relief to individuals and other businesses. Visit the SMC Strong website at for information on other funding.