FEMA links and resources

Resources, web links and info from FEMA:

Ready - http://www.ready.gov/

Floodsmart - https://www.floodsmart.gov/floodsmart/ 

My Hazards - http://myhazards.caloes.ca.gov/

Interesting facts:

  • Many areas in the United States—particularly in the West and South—are at increased flood risk from El Niño as a direct result of drought and wildfires. Extreme drought creates ground that cannot easily absorb rainwater, increasing the possibility of flash flooding.  Large-scale wildfires can dramatically alter the landscape and ground conditions, which increase the risk of flooding within the burn and downstream areas.
  • We are more than half way through the El Niño season and fortunately we have not had any severe incidents that have required a Presidential disaster declaration. However, if we use the last El Niño season of 1998 as a guide, it was not until spring that we saw damages that warranted a Presidential declaration. 
  • El Nino years are far and few between but flooding is consistently the #1 natural disaster we face as a nation, both in terms of cost and fatalities.  It’s good that El Nino has raised awareness about this issue as many people don’t realize that most standard Homeowners policies don’t cover flood insurance.  Residents and businesses should visit the California Office of Emergency Services website, My Hazards. The tool will identify risks from multi-hazards including earthquake, flood, fire and tsunami.
  • The best way to recover from a disaster is to reduce the risks before the disaster strikes.  Flood insurance is a financial form of risk reduction.
  • If the President declares your community a federal disaster for individual assistance, federal assistance may be available, however, the primary funds for flood recovery would in the form of a low interest loan administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration.
  • For a $100,000 loan at 4% interest, your monthly payment would be around $477 a month, $5,724 for 30 years. Compare that to a $100,000 flood insurance policy, which is about $400 a year or $33 a month (national average).
  • Up to 6 inches of water in a 2,000 sq. foot home could cost over $39,000 in flood damages. 
  • Everyone lives in a flood zone - it's just a question of whether you live in a low, moderate, or high risk area.
  • Visit Floodsmart.gov and enter your physical address in the Flood Risk Profile. The Flood Risk Profile will rate your risk, estimate your premiums and find a local agent.
  • Visit the California Office of Emergency Services website, My Hazards, and enter your physical address. This tool will identify risks from multi-hazards including earthquake, flood, fire and tsunami.

When we compare month to month, January 2015 to January 2016 – There was only 1 claim submitted in January 2015 compared to the 127 claims submitted in January 2016.