Foster City considers shoo-ing away geese with noisemakers and fireworks

FOSTER CITY, Calif. - Canada Geese have taken up permanent residence in Foster City, befouling the water supply and local parks with their droppings, and the City Council will consider a nonlethal management plan for the geese Monday.
The plan describes a comprehensive approach to addressing the potential health hazards and quality-of-life concerns posed by the geese. It doesn't involve killing any geese, focusing on nonlethal strategies such as habitat modification, noise makers and pyrotechnics.
The council will Monday consider adopting the plan, formally titled the Integrated Adaptive Canada Goose Management Plan, along with its associated Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration.
The plan was drafted in collaboration with biological consulting firm Wildlife Innovations.
While the Canada Goose is a migratory bird, favorable conditions in Foster City have caused it to take permanent residence in and around the city.
Lagoon water quality tests show increased levels of e. coli linked to waterfowl droppings. Also, there are significant quality-of-life impacts linked to the excess of bird droppings present in local parks and open spaces.
Community members are encouraged to review the plan, which can be seen at on the city website at
The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 620 Foster City Blvd. Residents can also participate remotely on Zoom at, or watch on FCTV on Comcast Channel 27 and AT&T Channel 99.
Public comments can be emailed to the City Council in advance of the meeting at