Man convicted for molesting girl on San Francisco Muni's J-Church train

muni_175_mac.jpg MUNI personel and train operators work together to make sure of the new route through the 4th and King Sts. intersection. With MUNIs new T train line now in place commuters are facing challenges at the intersection of 4th and King St

A man was convicted for molesting a 16-year-old girl last year when she was on her way home from school on the Muni J-Church train, officials say. 

The incident happened May 4, 2023, according to the San Francisco district attorney's office. Officials say the suspect, Iman Session, 39, targeted the high-school student, sat next to her, exposed himself and began masturbating next to his victim. 

According to the D.A.'s office, Session then wrapped his arm around the girl's neck and pulled her towards his groin area. Officials said no one tried to intervene to help the girl. The victim struggled and Session eventually got off the train. 

The girl and her father reported the incident to the San Francisco Police Department. Police arrested Session on June 6, 2023. 

On Friday, the D.A.'s office announced that Session was convicted of one count of attempted forcible oral copulation of a child and one count of false imprisonment. The jury also convicted Session of child molesting and indecent exposure. 

"The jury’s verdict holds Mr. Session accountable for his horrific crimes and ensures that he will face consequences," District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said. "My administration will always do everything we can to protect the safety of the public, especially our children who are among the most vulnerable people in our community."

The D.A. thanked prosecutors and credited SFPD's investigative work on this case. 

"Children should feel safe while riding public transportation. We will not tolerate this behavior in our city," said assistant District Attorney Tanisha Gooch, who successfully prosecuted the case. 


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