New university opening in San Jose offering business and tech degrees

A new university is coming to San Jose in the fall, offering degrees in Business and A.I. technology. This latest addition is a part of the city’s strategy to expand business and educational opportunities in San Jose.

California Miramar University is a part of a global institution, with campuses all over the world. San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan says this is another step in attracting and retaining the best and the brightest to Silicon Valley.

"Miramar joins what is a pattern of educational institutions expanding in our downtown," said Mahan.

In the fall, California Miramar University will open its doors on Market Street in San Jose’s SoFa District. S P Jain Global Business Management will operate the private for-profit university, bringing hundreds of new students studying business and technology to the area. Tech expert Ahmed Banafa says colleges have offered degrees in A.I. for years, but now companies are searching for more people with those skills.

"You’re talking about making things faster, more accurate and cheaper and that is the driving force for A.I. This is why you see a lot of companies adopting A.I. as one of their next moves when it comes to strategic planning," said Banafa.   

SP Jain also operates universities in London, Sydney, Mumbai, Dubai, and Singapore. San Jose's campus will include bachelor’s degrees in data science and business management, and a master’s degree in A.I.

"That’s going to give them more value in the market because it’s a buzz word. Recruiters will knock on your door saying, let’s talk," said Banafa. 

Mayor Mahan says the city wants to attract and keep talent in San Jose, and they’ve expedited the permitting process to facilitate new companies opening their doors. Mahan says San Jose is also now the city with the fastest economic rebound in the state after the pandemic.

"We are exploring incentives to attract and facilitate the creation of startups in the A.I. space here in downtown San Jose. I think having Miramar here near San Jose State with other educational institutions really just builds on that momentum we’re seeing," said Mahan.  

Mahan says it’s part of San Jose’s strategy to continue growing in business and education, someday making San Jose the world capital of A.I. innovation.