Oakland's mayoral candidates debate in live forum

Oakland's mayoral candidates will spar Tuesday evening in a live forum. The forum is presented by the Center for Elders' Independence and LifeLong Medical Care. 

The public will hear firsthand what the candidates have to say about senior healthcare, housing, homelessness and more.

The confirmed candidates as of Tuesday are as follows: Gregory Hodge, Treva Reid, Loren Taylor, Seneca Scott, John Reimann, Peter Y. Liu, Tyron Jordan,  Sheng Thao, Allyssa Victory, and Ignacio De La Fuente.

ALSO: 10th candidate added to November ballot in Oakland Mayor's race

Current Mayor Libby Schaaf will leave office at the end of the year due to term limits. Candidate Allyssa Victory was added to the November 8th ballot on Monday, after the Oakland City Attorney determined that she met the qualifications and filed paperwork by the deadline. 

The debate is being moderated by KTVU's LaMonica Peters and KQED's Brian Watt. Other panelists are Dr. Noha Aboelata, Founder/CEO of Roots Community Healthcare and Mattie Scott, from the Mayor’s Commission on Aging. 

It will take place at 6 p.m. at the Laney College Theater, and is free to the public. Watch the event live by clicking the video above.