Paperwork filed to launch recall of Alameda County DA Pamela Price

A group of residents who have been affected directly by crime in Alameda County filed paperwork Tuesday to formally begin the process to recall District Attorney Pamela Price.

"I don't want any family to suffer what we have suffered," said Virginia Nishita, her voice breaking outside the Alameda County courthouse in Oakland.

Nishita is the widow of Kevin Nishita, a former police officer who was shot and killed while working as a security guard protecting a news crew in Oakland.

She's among several people who filed paperwork at the county registrar's office to begin the recall effort against Price, who took office in January with a promise to reform the criminal justice system.

"She has to change her ways. And think about us, the victims. We're the public, we're the people. We're the people that she needs to be protecting. That's what the DA's supposed to be for," said Nishita.


Alameda County DA doubles down on claim comparing recall efforts to Jan. 6 insurrection

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price doubled down on a controversial statement released by her office earlier this week, comparing the backers of a new campaign to recall her from office, with those behind the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Price ran on a progressive platform and has drawn anger for tossing enhancements and special circumstances in violent cases. 

Oakland Chinatown leader Carl Chan is helping to lead the recall effort dubbed SAFE - Save Alameda for Everyone.

"We are here to save people in the future not become victimized," Chan said. "If we don't do something now, I'm sure that so many people will be impacted directly, and many innocent people will be hurt." 

"To think that my son's case could go to trial with price at the helm, it destroys me," said Lorie Mohs, whose son Blake Mohs was the security guard who was shot and killed by a woman accused of stealing from the Home Depot in Pleasanton.

"She's not getting death or discharge of a gun, which is how she murdered my child. She shot my child in the heart within two feet of his person," said Lorie Mohs.


'Nobody feels safe': Upset Oakland residents question Alameda County DA and police at safety meeting

It was emotional and tense at times during Thursday night's public safety meeting in Oakland's Montclair neighborhood. Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price was joined by Oakland Police and the Alameda County Sheriff's Office to answer questions.

Brenda Grisham, whose son Christopher Jones was shot and killed in Oakland in 2010 said, "The families that have lost loved ones are the real victims, and they're being set aside like they don't even count. That's a mistake."

Price has seven days to respond. Her office had no comment Tuesday. Neither did Chief Assistant District Attorney Royl Roberts.

"Not at this time. But have a great day, sir thank you," Roberts said.

Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. E-mail Henry at and follow him on Twitter @henrykleeKTVU and