Puppy thieves shoot, hospitalize 17-year-old boy in Oakland

A 17-year-old boy was hospitalized after he was shot by thieves in Oakland who stole two French bulldog puppies.

According to the Bay Area News Group, the 17-year-old and two 20-year-old men all from Stockton came to East Oakland on Monday night to sell two French bulldogs worth $3,200 each to a woman they had done business with before.

At about 10:50 p.m. on Hunter Avenue where they were supposed to meet with the buyer, two masked men with guns approached them, took the dogs, and one of the men began shooting.

The 17-year-old was shot at least twice.

The 17-year-old current medical condition is unknown, and authorities did not disclose if either of the 20-year-old men were harmed. No arrests have been made as of press time.
