SF Police Commission to send mayor 3 finalists for next chief
SAN FRANCISCO (KTVU) - The search for a new police chief in San Francisco is entering its final phase. The Police Commission held a special meeting Tuesday at City Hall to narrow its list of candidates to three finalists and will then submit their names to Mayor Ed Lee for consideration.
The special meeting, which lasted nearly five hours started at 5:30 p.m. on City Hall's fourth floor. Seven commissioners listened to public comment from citizens before going behind closed doors to make their selection.
There was a small audience for the open portion of the meeting, which lasted about half an hour. Most speakers were with the group, San Franciscans for Police Accountability, made up of citizens from various neighborhoods.
They were vocal in their opposition to any internal candidate, particularly interim Chief Toney Chaplin. The group said true reform would require an outsider.
Many came to oppose the commissions' decision to keep the names of the three finalists confidential.
"Maximum transparency, as you know, builds community trust and confidence. Unnecessary secrecy breeds suspicions and doubt," said Jackie Barshak, an SF resident.
"Often times, people who are applying for a job might have a current job. Job searches are a confidential process so in order to get the best and the brightest , our recruiting firm shared with us having this process be changed in the middle where at the last minute we decided to share the names would affect people wanting to apply," said Suzy Loftus SF Police Commission president.
One supervisor says the process makes sense.
"If the chief of police is not performing, the mayor is the elected official who is accountable so it's important that the mayor is comfortable with whomever is selected," says San Francisco Supervisor Scott Weiner.
The commission will turn over their recommendation for the three finalists to the mayor Wednesday morning.
The mayor has final say in the process and can reject all three finalists if they don't meet his requirements.
The commission is comprised of members chosen by the Board of Supervisors and the mayor.