Video: Child daycare worker threatened at gunpoint as car is stolen
Oakland daycare worker threatened at gunpoint while car is stolen
Frightening moments for an Oakland daycare center. The incident happened last Thursday morning when there were children inside the facility. Surveillance video shows two suspects, one armed with a gun, pulling up in front of the center and stealing a car from the driveway.
OAKLAND, Calif. - An East Oakland daycare worker was threatened at gunpoint last Thursday while interrupting a car robbery outside the center.
It happened at around 7 a.m. as two masked men were in the process of stealing the owner's daughter's Chevy Camaro from the driveway of Keishna's Kiddie Corner on Golf Links Road.
"We have signs in the front of our daycare that say 24-hour childcare. We had parents scheduled to be coming at any moment," said daycare owner, Keishna Hamilton.
Hamilton's assistant, who was too shaken to be interviewed, opened the front door to check on the 2024 Camaro after hearing it turn on.
"It kind of rumbles when you hear the engine start-up," said Hamilton.
As the assistant opened the center's front door, surveillance video captured one of the suspects pointing a gun pointed in her direction.
"Any situation like that, you kind of think about what could have happened, you know what if he just decided to fire," said Jelani Baines, Hamilton's son.
After the assistant ran back inside, a suspect could be seen taking off with the car. Hamilton said her assistant was not hurt.
As for her daughter, Hamilton said she's planning to move out of Oakland following the theft, including all the equipment she uses as a professional hair stylist inside the car's trunk.
"Oakland is missing out on a new business owner, who won’t be opening in Oakland. She’ll be taking it elsewhere," said Hamilton.
On Thursday, Oakland released new data that showed overall crime in the city down 33 percent compared to last year.
"I wouldn’t say that crime is down. I would say that the way things are reported might be a little different," said Baines, who contends that many of his neighbors have given up reporting everyday crime.
"I fear for my life," said Hamilton. "I fear for continuing to have my business in a space where I don’t feel safe. It really hurts, because we love Oakland, we love being here, but something has to happen. You know, because it’s getting out of control."
Hamilton had the following message to city leaders: "We’ve got to see more of a police presence, we’ve got to see more community engagement with the police. We’ve got to see these criminals get off the street."
Hamilton said this is the fourth time a car has been stolen from the home.
As of Thursday evening, Baines said his sister's car was still missing, and that frankly, the family didn't expect to get it back.