Woman stole from UC Berkeley students as they slept
(KTVU) Berkeley - Here is KTVU crime reporter Henry Lee's Rap Sheet blog for Aug. 30, 2017:
WOMAN EYED IN UC BERKELEY THEFTS: A woman variously described as wearing "short shorts" or a "blue denim romper" is being sought by UC Berkeley police for stealing items from students as they slept.
The same woman is believed to have targeted students at the Clark Kerr Campus south of the main UC Berkeley campus early Tuesday morning.
About 2:40 a.m., a student living in Building 3 noticed the woman loitering near his room, less than three hours after his roommate left his MacBook pro laptop on his desk. When the roommate woke up at 9:45 a.m., he realized his $1,300 laptop was gone.
At about 5:50 a.m., police believe the same woman broke into another room in Building 3 as three female students slept inside. They woke up to find her ransacking their room. The three confronted the woman, and she fled. Police later recovered $3,400 in stolen property.
Police said they had identified a suspect.
DALY CITY GUN BUYBACK: Daly City police are holding their first gun buyback on Sept. 9
Those who turn in their weapons will get $100 for each handgun, shotgun or rifle and $200 for each assault rifle.
The event will take place at the Cow Palace from 9 a.m. to noon. It is being sponsored by donations from Congresswoman Jackie Speier, San Mateo County Supervisor David Canepa, the town of Colma and Republic Services.
The guns must be unloaded and either in a vehicle trunk or locked storage box in the rear of the vehicle. Guns must be functional and money will be given for a maximum of three firearms. Additional guns will be accepted for destruction only.
You can see Henry Lee daily on KTVU. If you have a tip for Henry, send an email to Henry.Lee@foxtv.com or contact him on Twitter