Dog reunited with owner after 10 months apart

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A happy reunion took place last week, when dog and owner were finally reunited after 10 long months apart thanks to the compassion of a local dog walker.

A rescue Labrador-mix, by the name of Gaby, ran away from home during a rain storm last December and didn’t come back. After searching for her dog with no success the owner, Pam Romero, never lost hope that she would be reunited with Gaby.

Romero tells KTVU,“ I always had faith. I knew she would come back to us.”

Local dog walker, Kevin Sanchez, found Gaby as he was driving home from work near Lake Merritt. He spotted the dog and turned his car around in order to water and feed her. As he was going back to his vehicle, he noticed Gaby was following him and decided the right thing to do was to take her home.

Sanchez tells KTVU, “I brought her home, and she didn’t want to eat. “ Sanchez and his wife, Crystal, made an appointment at the vet for later that day for Gaby, who was all skin and bones. The vet was able to track down the owner, because of a microchip.  

Even though Kevin Sanchez and his wife wanted to give Gaby a permanent home in their residence, they were happy that she would be reunited with her family. 

Sanchez explains the scene at the veterinarian, “Eventually they called the mom. She was crying. She [Gaby] was missing for 10 months. So that made me feel good, at least she found her family.”

Despite living in the streets of Oakland for almost a year, Gaby is expected to recover quickly and happily in her home with her long lost family.