New funding plan in the works for suicide deterrent barrier under GG Bridge

SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - There is a new funding plan for the proposed suicide deterrent barrier project below the Golden Gate Bridge.
The initial cost of the horizontal 385,000-square-foot steel net project 20 feet below the bridge was estimated at $76 million, but the low bid came in at about $120 million over the engineer's estimate when capital outlay costs are included.
The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District determined re-bidding would not likely result in lower bids, and the District extended the bidding until January. The current bid estimate is now $204 million.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission, which is sharing the funding for the project with the Golden Gate Bridge District and Caltrans, initially committed $27 million for the project.
MTC staff is now recommending contributing $40 million in federal money, and the MTC's Programming and Allocations Committee is holding a public hearing Wednesday morning at the Bay Area Metro Center in San Francisco on increasing its contribution.
Both Caltrans and the GGBHT District also would contribute $40 million under the new funding proposal.
Bridge District spokeswoman Dana Fehler said if the MTC approves its $40 million contribution, the Bridge District's Board will vote on approving its $40 million share on Dec. 16.
Caltrans also is expected to vote on the new plan in early December.