Weather forecast indicates chance of dry lightening this weekend
SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA - Thunderstorms with chances of dry lightning might make their way to the Bay Area on Sunday and Monday, according to the National Weather Service.
As mid-level moisture makes its way across the Central Coast and Bay Area, upper-level disturbance from British Columbia will cause a lobe of energy to hit the region from the northwest, the weather service said Thursday. This might bring thunderstorms and chances of dry lightning.
A summer lightning storm over the Napa Valley. (Nicholas Murrietta)
The chances of dry lightning are low, but it can be a concern for starting wildfires if it strikes near dry brush throughout the region. The weather service does not anticipate that the conditions will bring about a fire similar to the Lightning Complex fires that struck the Bay Area in August 2020.
Bay Area residents can check the latest forecasts by clicking here.