Young boy thanks paramedics for saving his life

Often paramedics respond to someone having a medical emergency, but never know what happened to the patient.

But at the annual banquet of Alameda County Emergency Medical Services in Sunol on Wednesday, paramedics were reunited with some of the people whose lives they saved.

One of them was 10-year-old Carlo Cooney of Berkeley, who almost died from a heart attack.

"Thank you for saving my life," was the message he had for all those who helped save him.

The 10 year-old fifth grader was on a rock climbing wall at a YMCA Camp in Livermore last March when all of a sudden his heart stopped.

"I think I was really nervous or really excited, and it got my heart beat up when I was on the rock wall and I fainted," he said.

Carlo and his family got to meet all of the firefighters, paramedics and camp counselors that restarted his heart, stabilized, and airlifted him to the hospital.

All of them received medals of commendation for their team work.

"You guys don't get as much recognition as you deserve," Carlo's mother Griselda Cooney said.

Camp counselors used a defibrillator to shock Carlo's heart. Then emergency responders worked on him.

"Anytime with a kid, it just heightens that sense of urgency," said paramedic supervisor Serena Johnson.

Carlo's father, David Cooney, said they never knew their little boy had a congenital heart condition.

"That call was one of the worst calls a parent can ever receive," he said.

Carlo's life has changed. He has a defibrillator and pacemaker for his heart. But the family says life is great. And so was meeting all the emergency responders who helped save the boy's life.

"They are part of our family now. And we are grateful," said Cooney.

After trading fist bumps with Carlo, paramedic Johnson said, "It's awesome to see him. I know he is overwhelmed, but it sure is super cool for us."