Investigators say fire at Concord church started from human activity in crawl space
CONCORD, Calif. - Investigators with Contra Costa County Fire Protection District say human activity in the crawl space under the Christ Community Church of the Nazarene caused Thursday morning's two-alarm fire in Concord.
They have not determined if the fire was intentional or an accident.
Officials completed their investigation in less than 36 hours. On Friday evening, fire officials pointed to sleeping materials and and other possessions belonging to an unauthorized person who appeared to be temporarily sheltering underneath the church structure.
Use of a search dog determined there were no human remains or injuries as a result of this fire or during its investigation.
The church is located at 1650 Ashbury Drive where the fire broke out around 5:30 a.m. The roof and the second floor collapsed, officials said as they began sifting through the debris to determine the fire's cause.
The church's pastor Rev. Janelle Maher said she was asleep when she got the call about the church being on fire. She thanked the firefighters and community members who have reached out to help on Facebook
Christ Community Church of the Nazarene is 75 years old. The church operates a Saturday food pantry for those in need. In addition, the church said Sunday worship will go on as planned this weekend.