Study: Bay Area drivers lose 11 days a year on their costly commute
OAKLAND, Calif. (KTVU) - Your grueling drive to and from work every day could be costing you that down payment for a house.
That's according to a new study that put a dollar amount on how much time commuters waste sitting in traffic.
The constant slowing, stopping and accelerating not only puts a lot of wear and tear on our vehicles but also on our patience.
Commuting in the Bay Area is costly in many ways, and a new study by Sky Blue Credit is converting time into money.
It found that Bay Area drivers lose 11 days a year just on their commute.
That adds up to more than $13,000 annually. Over a 10-year period, that adds up to $130,000.
As it turns out, East Bay commuters have it the worst.
The average person in all 50 states and Washington D.C. spends at least 6 days in transit to work over a year, according to the study.
"I think the two most relevant points to do an analysis like this are the true out-of-pocket expenses and the time involved, so Antioch is problematic because of the tremendous distances involved and the time spent commuting," said financial expert, James McBride.
The study actually found that workers from Antioch spend the most time in the car.
"Going to Stockton everyday isn't that bad. Like 45 minutes, 38 miles it's not that bad," said Mike Wheeler who works in Antioch.
"If I leave here at 4 a.m., get to the city at exactly 5, but if I leave here at 4:30, I'll get there at 6 a.m.," said Antonio Lucatero, Antioch Commuter.
"I would leave at 7 in the morning, mainly 6:30, and I wouldn't get there until 10. And I was spending about $600 a month on my bridge toll because I would have to cross two bridges because there would be so much traffic," said Antioch commuter, Alexis Leslie.
Gas for a small car could cost you about $250 a month. Paying the toll at the Bay Bridge, add another $100 a month.
Parking in the city at $10 a day adds up to $200 a month.
That's not including car insurance and maintenance either, but there's other associated costs you might not be thinking of.
"I think there's a tremendous health impact, both physical and mental, of being in the car a long time every day," said McBride.
Experts suggest spending the commute time on something stimulating like listening to an audio book or podcast.