The complete list of California state parks that are closed, and still open

Samuel P. Taylor State Park in Marin County. (Save the Redwoods)
OAKLAND, Calif. - To hike or not to hike?
After seeing throngs of people outside in parks during the first shelter-in-place weekend, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Monday that parking lots will be closed at state parks in California to enforce social distancing.
In reality, 36 of California’s nearly 300 state parks will close parking lots. They are located in five of the state’s 58 counties: Marin, San Mateo, Sonoma, Los Angeles and San Diego counties.
And while the parking lots are closed, the trails are not barricaded and people can still walk them.
According to the California state parks department, the other 244 state parks remain open for now.
Public health officials are advising people to walk, run, hike and bike in their local neighborhoods and walk to parks by themselves or with someone in their family.
Here is a list of what's closed:
Marin County:
Angel Island SP
China Camp SP
Marconi Conference Center SHP
Mount Tamalpais SP
Olompali SHP
Samuel P. Taylor SP
Tomales Bay SP
San Mateo County
Año Nuevo SP
Bean Hollow SB
Burleigh Murray SP
Cowell Ranch
Gray Whale Cove SB
Half Moon Bay SB
Montara SB
Pescadero SB
Pigeon Point Light Station SHP
Pomponio SB
San Gregorio SB
Sonoma County
Armstrong Redwoods SNR
Austin Creek SRA
Jack London SHP
Petaluma Adobe SHP
Sonoma Coast SP (and associated sub-units)
Sonoma State SHP
Sugarloaf Ridge SP
Trione-Annadel SP
Los Angeles County:
Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook
El Matador State Beach
Leo Carrillo State Park (SP)
Malibu Creek SP
Malibu Lagoon State Beach (SB)
Point Dume SB
RH Meyer SB
Topanga SP
Will Roger's State Historic Park (SHP)
San Diego County
Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve