Oakland A's fans plan "Reverse Boycott II"

Oakland A's fans are planning another "reverse boycott" in which they hope to pack the Coliseum on Friday, June 7 in protest of owner John Fisher who plans to move the team to Sacramento, and then Las Vegas.

James Torrez vs Oakland Roots

Ahead of the new season for the Oakland Roots, KTVU reporter and soccer savant James Torrez challenged members of the Roots team to a skills competition.

Renowned Alameda artist dies in tragic sequence of events

Nancy Seamons Crookston, a designated Oil Painters of America Master and one of the most widely recognized artists in the nation, died Friday from complications while trying to save her painting arm. She was 74, a week away from her Thanksgiving Day birthday.

Bay Area transit: Off a financial cliff?

Is local transit about to fall off a financial cliff? The Metropolitan Transportation Commission anticipating the loss of stimulus funding sees a bleak picture for transit unless the overall economy turns around soon, or people will pay more just to keep it healthy.

Sunnyvale engineer wins District 3 City Council seat by one vote

A Sunnyvale engineer running for office for the first time made history last month when he won his city council race by one vote. This is the first time this has happened in Sunnyvale and after a mandatory recount, Santa Clara County certified the election last week.