PG&E's and its various types of meteorologists

Even as the climate changes as the wet season becomes wetter and the dry season becomes drier, PG&E has to evaluate its territories for the harsher impacts of extreme weather events. They use a different type of meteorologist each time they predict what Mother Nature has in store during severe weather.

Pollution lawsuit could curb use of aerial fire retardant

A legal dispute in Montana could drastically curb the government’s use of aerial fire retardant to combat wildfires after environmentalists raised concerns about waterways that are being polluted with the potentially toxic red slurry that’s dropped from aircraft.

Wet winter may actually worsen California wildfires

There is a chance that this winter's heavy rainfall could make the wildfire season worse because there may be an abundance of growth in trees, grasses and other vegetation that could dry out and easily combust in the summer and fall.

Fairfield brush fire breaks out

Firefighters were responding to a wildfire burning brush in Fairfield on Thursday as rising temperatures began gripping inland parts of the Bay Area.